Journal of Business and SMEs
Volumen 6 Número 18 - July - December 2020

Administration and management model of ICT and its impact in the competitive performance of SME in Durango State

BARRIOS-VILLEGAS, Jaime Alonso & MOLINA-MOREJÓN, Víctor Manuel Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila


Strategies used by SMEs to adapt to Industry 4.0

RAMÓN-MOLINA, Diego Gustavo, MAGAÑA-MEDINA, Deneb Elí and AGUILAR-MORALES, Norma Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco


Organizational diagnosis in a consulting services company, in Villahermosa Tabasco, for the design of a proposal

MOREJÓN-SÁNCHEZ, Juana María, ELISEO-DANTÉS, Hortensia, PÉREZ-PÉREZ, Iris Cristel and PÉREZ-JIMÉNEZ, Pablo Tecnológico Nacional de México, Campus Villahermosa


Evaluation of the competitiveness elements in the operating areas of industrial SMES

GONZÁLEZ, Nora, GUZMÁN, Alba, ALARCÓN, Nelson and VALDEZ, Dina Instituto Tecnológico de Sonora

