Tourist Route of Mazahua Crafts in the municipalities of Donato Guerra and Valle de Bravo, State of Mexico, Mexico, 2021-2023 JANO-DE LOS SANTOS, Ariadna†*, SANTILLÁN-ÁLVAREZ, Ángel, MENDOZA VELÁZQUEZ, José Ángel and MENDOZA-CORIA, Ana Erika Tecnológico Nacional de México/ TES Valle de Bravo
Ecoblock prototype, with recycled pet, styrofoam and ocoxal fibers CASTELÁN-URQUIZA, Demetrio
Monarch Butterfly Ecotourism Route in the municipality of Donato Guerra, State of Mexico, Mexico, 2021-2023 MENDOZA-CORIA, Ana Erika*, MANDUJANO-DE LOS SANTOS, Ariadna, MENDOZA VELÁZQUEZ, José Ángel, ECHAVARRÍA-GUDIÑO, Héctor Tecnológico Nacional de México/TES de Valle de Bravo
Management and Inventory Control of adventure tourism equipment, based on Financial Reporting Standard C-4 ECHAVARRÍA-GUDIÑO, Héctor*, MANDUJANO-DE LOS SANTOS, Ariadna, MENDOZA VELÁZQUEZ, José Ángel and MENDOZA-CORIA, Ana Erika
School desertion in the Bachelor's Degree in Administration of TESVB HERNÁNDEZ-SÁNCHEZ, Josefina*, SANTOS-GARCÍA, Adrián and GONZÁLEZ-FLORES, Adalberto Tecnológico Nacional de México/TES Valle de Bravo
Filing the annual tax return as an economic benefit for individuals for wages and salaries VARGAS-MORENO, Ricardo & GONZÁLEZ-FLORES, Adalberto Tecnológico Nacional de México/TES Valle de Bravo
The diffusion of Cannabis impact on Gastronomy: Legality and culinary evolution SANTILLÁN-ÁLVAREZ, Ángel1, MORACHIS-VALDES, Ana Gabriela2, SAUCEDO-VENCE, Karinne3 and DUBLÁN-GARCÍA, Octavio
Potential analysis resources for rural Tourism in the community of San Lucas, Amanalco; State of Mexico, Mexico MARTÍNEZ-HERNÁNDEZ, Milagros, NEPAMUCENO-GONZÁLEZ, Cynthia, GUERRERO ALONSO, Araceli and LEÓN-BAÑUELOS, Luis Alberto