Revista de Ingeniería Tecnológica
Volumen 6 Número 18 - July-December 2022

Recent advances of graphene-based nanofluids for the application in solar collectors

ROSALES-GUZMÁN, Miguel, DÍAZ-SILVESTRE, Sergio Enrique, CANALES-PATIÑO, Eduardo Luis and IBARRA-SAMANIEGO, Lucía del Carmen Universidad Tecnológica de Saltillo


Development of sanitizing system

PÉREZ-GALINDO, Liliana Eloisa, SANDOVAL-LUNA, Miguel Ángel, CRUZ-BARRÓN, Alonso and PÉREZ-PASCUAL AgustínUniversidad Tecnológica Fidel Velázquez


Design and construction of a forced convection solar fruit dryer in the municipality of Durango

GARCÍA-ARÁMBULA, Cintia Germania, GARCÍA-GODINA, Luis Fernando, CARDOZA-CARRASCO, Martín David and ORTEGA-VALDEZ, Karla MaríaUniversidad Tecnológica de Durango


Electronic card applied to the disseminate and collection of information on SARS-CoV-2 in marginalized areas

GONZÁLEZ-SILVA, Marco AntonioUniversidad Autónoma de la Ciudad de México

