Analysis of speckle patterns in electronic devices for the monitoring of current changes LÓPEZ-ÁLVAREZ, Yadira Fabiola, JARA-RUÍZ, Ricardo, RODRÍGUEZ-FRANCO, Martín Eduardo, and DELGADO-GUERRERO, Sergio Humberto Universidad Tecnológica del Norte de Aguascalientes |
Study of the mechanical properties of magnetic composites supported on a PU matrix MARTINEZ-MORENO, Miguel, FUENTES-RAMÍREZ, Rosalba, CONTRERAS-LOPEZ, David and GALINDO-GONZALEZ, RosarioUniversidad de Guanajuato |
The emotions of upper secondary level students in a virtual learning environment FLORES-GONZÁLEZ, EfigeniaBenemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla |
Creating a backscatter multispectral mosaic with the R2Sonic 2024 Echosounder AGUILAR-RAMIREZ, Ana María, GONZALEZ-JUAREZ, Aníbal, MOLINA-NAVARRO, Antonio and UTRERA-ZARATE, AlbertoInstituto Oceanográfico del Golfo y Mar Caribe |