Development of an artificial neural network for the prediction of the thermodynamic property enthalpy in the NH3-H2O mixture VERA-ROMERO, Iván, PEREZ-AVIÑA, L. Fernando, MÉNDEZ-ÁBREGO, V. Manuel and MARTÍNEZ-REYES, José
Rotor crack moment of inertia JIMÉNEZ-RABIELA, Homero, VÁZQUEZ-GONZÁLEZ, Benjamín, RAMÍREZ-CRUZ, José Luis and ILIZALITURRI-BADILLO, Joshua Suraj
Analysis of the use of aerogel as a thermal insulator in refrigerated containers for storing blood using a photovoltaic system VALLE-HERNANDEZ, Julio, MANZANO-MUÑOZ, Meily Yoselin, ROMÁN-AGUILAR, Raúl and DELGADILLO-AVILA, Wendy Montserrath
Design and 3D printing of the Robot, articulated with 6 degrees of freedom with educational applications SÁNCHEZ-GUARNEROS, Raziel, MARTÍNEZ-HERNÁNDEZ, Haydee Patricia, CORTES-MALDONADO, Raúl and BEDOLLA-HERNÁNDEZ, Jorge