A. The Paper edition with the following criteria:

Can be written in Spanish or English. However, you must present the title and abstract in languages, as well as keywords and JEL Classification.

Arial font text # 14 (in titles and subtitles) # 12 (text) and # 10 (in quotes in the footer) and Math Calibre (in equations), justified in Word format. Margin Standard.

Start with a prologue that explains the topic and end with a concluding chapter.

The papers are reviewed by members of the Editorial Board and two the anonymous. The ruling is final in all cases. Once notified of the acceptance or rejection of a job, final acceptance will be conditional upon the changes of style, form and content that the editor has informed the authors. Authors are responsible for the content of the work and the proper use of the references cited therein. The journal reserves the right to make editorial changes required to adapt the texts to our editorial policy.

B. Entries can be made by self or sponsored by institutions educative business. Normally the process of evaluating the manuscript does not include more than twenty weeks from the date of receipt.

C. The identification of authorship should appear only on a removable front page in order to ensure that the selection process is anonymous. Also requests that the author (s) (s) declare (n), in a separate letter that your article is unpublished and is also not submitted simultaneously for publication elsewhere.

D. Tables, graphs and other supporting materials must meet the following:

Should explain themselves (without resorting to text understanding) without abbreviations, clearly indicating the units of measurement used and the complete sources.

The graphics and other supporting materials will be in grayscale.

Tables should be simple and display relevant information.

Developed in Excel format.

Original must be delivered in a single file.

E. References are included at the end of the document, all components will be separated by a comma and take the following order: a) books: surname of the author (s) (s), initials of the name, title, place of publication, publisher or institution, year, number of pages, b) journals: surname of the author (s) (s), initials of the name, title, article, name of journal, volume number, year, pages. Only the titles of journals and books should be italicized. Quotation marks are used in the titles of articles, chapters or texts included in magazines and books. The list of references should correspond with the citations in the document.

F. The notes to footnotes, to be used and only to provide essential information is included at the end of document. Las citations and references in the text must comply with the following order: i) References: (last date), ii) Appointments text (name date: page [s]).

G. Once accepted the article in its final version, the magazine sent to the author's tests for review. ECORFAN only accept the correction of typos and errors or omissions from the process of editing the magazine. We will not accept deletions, substitutions or additions which alter the formation of the article. He will have a maximum of 10 calendar days for the review. Otherwise, it is considered that the author (s) (s) is (are) in accordance with the changes.

     Authorization Format

     Original Format